Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More Parish themed birthday presents

Well not sure where last week went. The good news is that whilst the blogging stopped the training carried on. I did a couple of 9 milers during the week taking advantage like many others of the lovely weather and light nights.

The training regime was interrupted on Friday as I had a very kind invite to Ladies day at aintree. I have never been before and whilst the bookies won by a mile, the entertainment was first class and despite the odd guilt pangs I put the healthy options to the back of my mind for a day!! (thanks again to Natalie and Bryan).

I was feeling guilty on Saturday but started the day at the foot health clinic using my birthday present voucher at the clinic attending one of the parish walk special sessions. Those of you who read earlier bloggs may remember that nearly all my presents had some form of walking theme which is definitely a sign of the times (whilst on that subject the glide is working fine but not sure about the stick application - enough said!).

The session at the clinic was really useful and happily showed no major issues but gave me a few things to bear in mind and it was good to have some tlc on the old feet.

Renewed and refreshed I went for 16mile walk on sat afternoon. Chose a v hilly route round Baldwin and then up Colden round to Brandywell back past injubreck and then home to Cronkbourne. I have some piccies which will try to download later.....

I tried another pressie on the walk which was a pair of compression socks. Apart from feeling rather ridiculous with the knee length White socks I think they helped a little with the shins knee drainage and probably my head... I think I will try them on the Sara killey at the weekend as this is probably the longest walk I will now do before the Parish so I'll let you know how it works out.

Anyway need to go to work.... More blogs more walking - where does all the time go...

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