Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hot Stuff

Wow, yesterday was very warm. I decided (perhaps foolishly) to  continue with working on my water consumption testing. At the moment (well prior to yesterday) I seemed to be averaging about 1- 1 1/4 pints an hour nearly 3lbs weight loss every 2 hours - it was obviously going to increase a bit.....

This changed dramatically yesterday. My usual 10 mile plus hilly walk started fine but having snuck out of work early on Friday (as we had people round later and i wanted to get a walk in)  i ended up walking at 4:30 when it was still  20degree plus and really sunny. Started off ok but for the first time in a month or so the early shin pain returned. It was not too bad to begin with but it got increasingly uncomfortable and the calf length compression socks seemed to be making things worse.

After about 2 miles I rolled down the compression socks and surprisingly the shin pain eased off almost immediately - so this sealed my last clothing decision - short length dry fit socks on the day; i will save the calf length socks for the running training (which starts after the Parish for the Dublin Marathon in October - gulp not run a marathon before).

Anyway socks rolled down I ploughed on until after about 7miles in I started suffering and wished I had brought a drink with me. I made it home but slowed down towards the end and felt absolutely exhausted when I got in - when I weighed myself I realised why, as I had lost 6lbs in under 2 hours! That is the best part of 5 pints and apparently you need to drink about 7 pints to replenish! I would not recommend this approach as I definitely over did it & I have been pretty tired today and only now beginning  to get energy levels back to normal.

I had thought on last years Parish I drank too much fluid as I reckon I had about 20-30 pints but on this experience that was probably about right. Anyway I won't try yesterdays dehydration training  again....

I took a couple of piccies on the way round - can anyone guess where I was standing (same place for both) - a beautiful spot near a beautiful church - .

Final picture of a steep short hill which was pretty tough yesterday (the photo flattens it out honest!)

Back out tomorrow for the last week of full on training,


  1. The church is St Lukes, and that last hill photo is a tough one... the cut through between the Baldwins

  2. Yes, you got it - it is a great spot up there and pretty much downhill all the way for me from there ( save the trek out of Baldwin) :)

  3. What's my prize?
    Notice that you have some of the TAS team staying with you, does that include Those Amazing Sideburns, perhaps he could do the presentation? :)

  4. I am afraid we are sworn to secrecy mr/mrs/miss anonymous. So cannot disclose side burns issue - albeit the team work so hard i have not even spoken to any of them yet as they are always up at the grandstand!

    Prize is all in the glory of getting the answer right - plus as much encouragement on the day as you need- at least before we all start!
